Peer editing....dun...dun...dun!
Oh, the torturous pains of reading another student's (or even your own) rough draft they threw together the last minute, and now you have to suffer through their misplaced modifiers and dangling adjectives. There is much debate about peer editing and whether or not it is useful; in fact, several of my fellow class mates are researching this exact topic. So, here's my question: How can teachers revive editing?
Well, Richard Byrne has found a way to make peer editing not so miserable. Using their phones, or the schools if they are available, or the inexpensive, disposable cameras, Have students edit their writing for improvement using pictures they find. Is there description of a charchter boring? Assign them to find a person who better exemplifies this characters description, or, better yet, find a person with the right hair color, another with the right clothes and yet another with the right face and use them to better describe the deep, honey colored hair of
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